About the Author:
Mahmood Jawaid is a chemical engineer by profession and a writer and a poet by avocation. He is the published author of “Secrets of Angels, Demons, Satan, and Jinns – Decoding their Nature through Quran and Science,” “Atom to Adam – How, When and Where in the Light of Quran, Bible and Science (A Study of Human Origin),” “Hunting to Cloning – Unearthing Civilizations through Quran,” “Lessons from the Qur’an Volume I & II,” “Quranic Knowledge - Basic Information about the Holy Quran with Questions and Answers, “A Scientific Approach to the Quran,” and “Divided We Prosper – A Humorous Reflection on Muslim Cultural Practices.” He has published quite a few research papers on Islamic issues on Academia.edu and many articles on religious issues in the Charleston Gazette, West Virginia and Houston Chronicle, Houston, Texas.