Scientific methodology is the bedrock of science and technology, which has propelled the humanity into the space age. The author has made an attempt to use the same methodology to understand the concepts, commandments, and events presented in the Quran. He first proposes how this methodology can be used for this purpose. He then applies the methodology to the topics the answer of which we already know to demonstrate the viability of this methodology. He then tackles topics of increasing complexity. This innovative methodology can help enhance our understanding of the Quran.
Mahmood Jawaid is a chemical engineer by profession and a writer and a poet by avocation. He is the published author of “Secrets of Angels, Demons, Satan, and Jinns – Decoding their Nature through Quran and Science,” “Atom to Adam – How, When and Where in the Light of Quran, Bible and Science (A Study of Human Origin),” “Hunting to Cloning – Unearthing Civilizations through Quran,” “Lessons from the Qur’an Volume I & II,” “Quranic Knowledge - Basic Information about the Holy Quran with Questions and Answers and “Divided We Prosper – A Humorous Reflection on Muslim Cultural Practices.” He has published quite a few research papers on Islamic issues on Academia.edu and many articles on religious issues in the Charleston Gazette, West Virginia. He possesses Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Chemical Engineering, has Professional Engineers license from the State of Texas, and holds seven US and European patents.
Contact for copies: mnajawaid@yahoo.com
Author’s Website: http://mahmoodjawaid.com
Publisher: InstantPublisher.com
U.S.A. $20.00 Hardcover