This is the second book by the author of Lessons from the Qur’an (Ta Ha Publishers) for children. The book provides basic information about the Holy Quran. The language is simple enough to match the vocabulary of the children. The book is divided into eight chapters, followed by Questions and Answers, to highlight the following aspects of the Holy Quran:
The purpose of the Holy Quran, who sent it, to whom it was sent, for whom it was sent, who brought it, when and how it started, and when it ended.
The names of the Holy Quran used in the Holy Quran and the quality and the purpose these names represent.
The division of the Quranic text into ayah, surah, manzil, juz, hizb, and rku and their purpose.
How are the surahs named, how does each surah begin, the names of important surahs to remember, and some special attributes of some of the surahs.
Important markers used in the Holy Quran and their purpose and significance.
Some statistical facts about the Holy Quran. Names of people, nations, and places mentioned in the Holy Quran.
Abbreviated letters (Hroof-e-Muqattat) and the surahs in which these are used
The Prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran and special qualities of some of them.
References have been cited for most of the material at the end of the book.
About the Author
The author is a chemical engineer by profession and writer by avocation. He is also the published author of “Secrets of Angels, Demons, Satan, and Jinns – Decoding their Nature through Quran and Science,” “Atom to Adam – How, When and Where in the Light of Quran, Bible and Science (A Study of Human Origin),” “Hunting to Cloning – Unearthing Civilizations through Quran,” “Divided We Prosper – A Humorous Reflection on Muslim Cultural Practices,” and “A Scientific Approach to the Quran.” He has also published many articles on Islamic issues in the Charleston Gazette, WV and Academia.edu.
Contact for copies: mnajawaid@yahoo.com
Author’s Website: http://mahmoodjawaid.com
Publisher: InstantPublisher.com
U.S.A. $20.00