Mahmood Jawaid

Front Cover of Lessons from the Qur'an
Front Cover of Secrets of Angels Demons, Satan, and Jinns
Front Cover of Atom to Adam
HTC Front Cover-35Percent

Touching God front cover





Atom to Adam


A Scientific Approach To The Quran
Lessons From The Quran - Vol II
Divided We Prosper
Quranic Knowledge with Q &A

Atom to Adam – How, When, and Where?

– In the Light of Quran, Bible, and Science

by Mahmood Jawaid

For centuries people believed that humans originated from AdamAS who landed on earth from Paradise. Then came Darwin who proposed that all life forms, humans included, have originated from single cell organisms that appeared about 3.5 billion years ago. Since then the world is divided between the creationists and evolutionists. The creationists support the independent origin of humans from AdamAS and the evolutionists believe in the common origin of all life forms.

Both the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible talk about human origin, and complement each other in certain respect. The Holy Quran also talks about the human development in general. The author by comparing the scriptural information with the scientific data was able to dig deeper into the human origin and was able to predict the following:

  • How did AdamAS come into existence?
  • Where was the Paradise he lived in before coming to the earth?
  • Where did he appear?
  • When did he appear?
  • What was his lifestyle?
  • How did he earn his living?
  • What type of clothes did he wear?
  • What type of house he lived in?
  • How did humanity spread?

The study also has some suggestion for the theory of evolution from the Holy Quran.
186 pages


Price: $20.00, free shipping within continental USA





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