This book is a collection of short passages from the Holy Quran. The passages are especially selected to explain our goal and purpose in this life and the ways to achieve these goals, the obstacles and distraction we may face, and the hurdles we must overcome during this endeavor. The book also describes the morals and manners to adopt, the habits to give up, and the responsibilities to fulfill. The topics include Allah (ST), Guidance, The Life and the Hereafter, Good and Bad Manners, the Rights and Responsibilities, and Supplications. Each chapter is followed by "Key Points to Remember". This book can serve as a companion to high school students and graduates as they enter into a new phase of their life.
About the Author
The author is an engineer, an inventor, an educationist, a writer, a public speaker, a poet, a satirist, and a humorist, but has yet to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up.
Contact for copies: mnajawaid@yahoo.com
Author’s Website: http://mahmoodjawaid.com
Publisher: InstantPublisher.com
U.S.A. $20.00 Hardcover